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Executive Summary of Education Industry Safety Statistics, 2022

Discover key insights from the 2022 HSE Report on education statistics in Great Britain. Our summary highlights the significant challenges in the sector, including 160,000 cases of work-related ill health, rising trends in stress, depression, anxiety, and 50,000 non-fatal injuries. This overview emphasises the impact of these conditions on the education sector's workforce, particularly during the pandemic, and the associated economic cost of £1.773 billion.

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This article is an executive summary of the Education Industry safety statistics in Great Britain, 2022 Data up to March 2022 Annual statistics Published 23 November 2022 by HSE.gov. The full version of the article can be found on the HSE website.

Executive Summary- HSE report on Education statistics in Great Britain, 2022

1. 160,000 cases of work-related ill health in the Education Sector (2019/20-2021/22)

According to the Labour Force Survey (LFS) averages from 2019/20-2021/22, 160,000 workers within the education sector reported work-related ill health, a figure higher than the previous period. The rate of ill health had been relatively consistent but has risen during the coronavirus years. (Source: LFS)

2. No fatal injuries to workers in Education (2021/22)

There were no reports of fatal injuries to workers in the education sector in 2021/22, maintaining a five-year average of zero fatalities (2017/18-2021/22). However, the general public reported 3 fatalities as per the annual statistics over the same five-year timeline (Source: RIDDOR, 2021/22).

3. 50,000 Non-fatal injuries to Education workers recorded (2019/20-2021/22)

The LFS reports that 50,000 non-fatal injuries occurred within Education, a rate similar to the period preceding the pandemic era (Source: LFS, estimated annual average 2019/20-2021/22).

4. Education sector equates to 11% of the workforce in Great Britain.

The Education sector represents a broad range of educational activities across multiple levels, accounting for about 11% of the total workforce in Britain (Source: Annual Population Survey, 2021).

5. 74,000 workers in education suffered from a work-related illness due to Coronavirus

About 74,000 workers within the education sector reported illness linked to the Coronavirus pandemic, undoubtedly influencing the overall statistics of work-related ill health (Source: LFS annual estimate, 2021/22).

6. 19% of all health ill-related cases in the Education sector are Musculoskeletal Disorders

LFS estimates suggest that there were 31,000 cases of work-related musculoskeletal disorders over the three-year period 2019/20-2021/22, representing around 19% of all ill health in this sector (Source: LFS, estimated annual average 2019/20-2021/22).

7. 59% of work-related ill health cases involved Stress, Depression, or Anxiety

The prevailing work-related ill health condition in the education sector is stress, depression, or anxiety, with an estimated 95,000 cases (59% of all health cases). The rate of these conditions appears to be on the rise, particularly in the recent pandemic years (Source: LFS, estimated annual average 2019/20-2021/22).

8. 50,000 cases of non-fatal work-related injury

LFS estimates indicate that there were 50,000 cases of non-fatal work-related injuries in the Education sector. In 31% of these cases, workers are absent for more than three days, while 24% report absences exceeding seven days (Source LFS, estimated annual average 2019/20-2021/22).

9. Education sector contributes to £1,773 million of economic cost (2019/20)

The financial toll of work-related illness and injury within the education sector is estimated at £1,773 million in 2019/20, making up 9% of the total cost, estimated at £18.7 billion for all sectors combined (Source: HSE Costs to Britain, 2019/20).

10. 2.5 Million working days lost annually due to work-related illness and injury

In the Education sector, approximately 2.5 million working days are lost each year, with work-related illness accounting for 79% and workplace injury for the remaining 21%. This equates to around 1.0 days lost per worker (Source: LFS, estimated annual average 2018/19-2019/20, 2021/22).


The HSE report provides a comprehensive overview of health and safety in the Education sector in Great Britain, furnishing key statistics on work-related ill health, injuries, and their economic impact.

While no fatal injuries to workers were recorded, non-fatal injuries and work-related health problems, particularly stress, depression, anxiety, and musculoskeletal disorders, contribute significantly to days of work lost and economic cost.

The inflating trend of these health conditions during the coronavirus pandemic underscores their complexity and the need for proactive health management strategies in the education sector.


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Richard O'Connor is a Director at First Mats. He has deep knowledge in areas like Manufacturing, Warehousing, Marine, and Health & Safety. Richard's insights have been featured in well-known publications such as Bloomberg Business, The Sun, and Reader's Digest. His blend of industry expertise and passion for sharing makes him a sought-after voice in his fields.

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